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Nudging Effect

What is the nudging effect?

The default nudging effect describes the predictable altering of user behavior through positive reinforcement.


When you create a default nudge, you suggest, for instance, that the default option is the most commonly chosen one.

This strategy tends to make more of your customers choose your promoted product. It can include highlighting a product on your website as a "preferred option" or using naming conventions like "standard product" vs. "plus product."

What are the disadvantages of the nudging effect?

Nudging can be condescending 

Avoid patronizing your customers by suggesting that they are not capable of making the right choice.

Nudging cannot fix everything 

Like any behavioral effect, its success depends on your overall offer architecture, including pricing and product composition.

Nudging does not work in every situation

Nudging effects work better when customers do not fully know their needs.

Further reading

"Nudge: Improving Decisions about Health, Wealth, and Happines" Richard H. Thaler & Cass R. Sunstein

Paul Hanke
by Paul Hanke
October 26, 2022