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How a Dairy Company Optimized Production Capacity by Adjusting Their Portfolio Mix in Asia

Case Study

+600 basis points (bps)

the difference in Buynomics' prediction of units sold vs. actual units sold

This multinational food and beverage company is a leading provider of dairy and plant-based products, bottled water, and nutritional items. They faced production capacity limits in Asia when offering both low-end and high-end yogurt brands simultaneously.

By leveraging Buynomics software, the team sought to optimize their product portfolio. They explored a range of outcomes by challenging the assumption that fewer SKUs will lead to less shelf space.

After testing two main strategies, the company identified:

  • An optimal scenario in which delisting three low-end SKUs would lead to a decline in unit sales of -35% while maintaining a shelf space and raising prices.

After implementing this change, the company saw a +600 basis points (bps) difference in Buynomics' prediction of units sold vs. actual units sold. 

Download our case study to learn how the company achieved these results.